Businesses, check your EORI number

Mise à jour le 07/05/2021

In case of withdrawal without agreement of the United Kingdom from the EU, businesses having relations with EU customs authorities will need an EORI number.

EU regulations stipulate the assigning of a unique community ID number called "EORI" to be used by economic operators abroad.

In case of withdrawal without agreement of the United Kingdom from the European Union, businesses having relations with EU customs authorities, or carrying on operations covered by customs legislation, will need an EORI number.

Are you a British economic operator or a third country economic operator already recorded with a British EORI identification number (GBXX12345678)?

In anticipation of Brexit, you can now apply for EORI number with the French customs authorities by:

You are a French economic operator who trades with Great Britain?

French Customs has pre-registered your identification data in order to issue you an EORI number.